Investing in real estate can be complicated. As difficult as purchasing a piece of property for personal use may be, buying properties for investment purposes is far more complex, especially in business-to-business transactions.
Whether planning to purchase real estate for projects small or large, as a developer or contractor, or even if your involvement is only as a lender, it is wise to speak with a real estate attorney first. Tiffany & Bosco real estate attorneys provide you with the expert advice and practical help you need when planning or maintaining a property portfolio with properties purchased from other investors.
Simply put, a real estate attorney is a lawyer who is skilled in managing all aspects of a real estate transaction. However, any attorney can do that.
At Tiffany & Bosco, our real estate attorneys not only have the skills to help with property transactions, but they also have the experience: Many are property investors themselves. As such, they have a deep understanding and appreciation for the legal ramifications of various real estate investment strategies and projects, especially when dealing with other investment entities.
We believe that a real estate attorney should be more than someone who can do the legal legwork. We believe that your attorney should be a trusted adviser. Tiffany & Bosco real estate attorneys are an integral element in making sure all B2B transactions associated with your investment are legally and substantially sound, for only then can you return a profit.
Whether you need a real estate attorney or not is up to you. Some believe they can do without, and oftentimes, we end up meeting with such clients once an issue has arisen. For the very small investor, someone buying a house here or there for some extra retirement income, not having a lawyer may not seem like a big deal.
But for anyone who plans to build a retirement portfolio of properties, especially if these involve complex land deals, subdivisions, and improved real property with other investors, a skilled attorney is indispensable.
Another area in which a real estate attorney can help is in deciding whether to purchase the property in your own name or as a business entity. Every situation is different, and there is not one clear answer. Yet, if you are dealing with an investor who is using a legal team, it would be wise to consult with your own team of attorneys.
Your Tiffany & Bosco legal team will carefully assess your situation and advise you accordingly. If it would be in your interest to create a corporate structure of any kind, they will help you do so. This ensures your investment is protected and you can achieve your goals.
At the Tiffany & Bosco law firm, we have combined many of our legal disciplines into single projects, such as master-planned mixed-use communities. However, regardless of the design and goal of your project or portfolio, we can help. We have a large team of real estate attorneys, because business and property transactions have been a core component of our firm for decades.
With offices in Phoenix, San Diego and Las Vegas, we can even help with multi-state projects. To discuss your real estate needs with a member of our legal team, contact us today.