Michael A. Bosco, Jr. Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
November 27, 2011
Michael A. Bosco, Jr. was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award from USFN. The Lifetime Achievement Award was granted to Mr. Bosco with the respect, admiration, and fond regards of his peers and fellow USFN members. In addition to being a long-time member of USFN, Mr. Bosco also served as a director on the board for several years, and he and his son, Mark S. Bosco, were named Co-Members of the Year in 1995. Alberta Hultman, Executive Director & CEO of USFN stated, “This award was given to Mr. Bosco in recognition and tribute for his 50 years of practice in the legal profession, representing clients in a professional, ethical and competent manner. Starting with only one banking client he now represents more than 50 banks and mortgage companies.”
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