Nora Jones has been selected as a Judge Pro Tempore for the Alternative Dispute Resolution Probate Settlement Conference Program’s 2021 Fiscal Year. Nora has served as a Judge Pro Tempore for the Maricopa County Superior Court Probate Division since 2019. Alternative dispute resolution, which includes mediation, settlement conference, arbitration, and other unique ways of resolving …
Jim Fassold has been elected to the Executive Council of the Probate and Trust Law Section of the State Bar.
Conclusion. The Act and UCRERA are any excellent innovation that provide needed clarity and certainty in an important area of the law. Each of the provisions discussed above should benefit all parties in receivership proceedings and the judge’s handling the cases. Receiverships properly administered under the act by professionals able to properly utilize …
Impact on Rights of Lender. Section 33-2623 explicitly provides that a lender holding a deed of trust does not waive certain rights and does not become an agent of the owner or a “mortgagee in possession” of the real estate that is the subject of the receivership simply because it asked for or obtained the …
Receiverships in Another State Section 33-2622 is a significant provision that will aid receivers appointed in another state where property relating to that proceeding is located in Arizona. It allows an Arizona court to appoint the foreign receiver or his nominee as an “ancillary receiver” as to property in Arizona if she is eligible …