TMA Announces Winners of the 2018 Turnaround and Transaction Awards

The Turnaround Management Association (TMA) has announced the winners of the 2018 Turnaround and Transaction of the Year Awards. TMA will honor 76 professionals during a special awards ceremony at The 2018 TMA Annual on September 26-28 at The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, Colo.

The Turnaround and Transaction Awards are chosen based on a rigorous peer-review process. The awards recognize the most successful turnarounds and impactful transactions in the past year.

“This year’s winners have made a significant economic impact by helping struggling businesses to recover and preserve their value,” said Scott Y. Stuart, Esq, TMA Global chief executive officer. “Each winner exhibits the immense value TMA members provide not just the general business community, but the global economy.”

The 2018 TMA Turnaround and Transaction of the Year Award Winners are:

Turnaround of the Year: Small Company – Phoenix Manufacturing Partners, LLC
Hilary L. Barnes, Allen Barnes & Jones, PLC
Fay W. Bidlack, Jennings, Strouss & Salmon PLC
Carolyn J. Johnsen, Dickinson Wright, PLLC
Christopher R. Kaup, Tiffany & Bosco PA
Bradley J. Stevens, Jennings Strouss & Salmon PLC
Joseph W. Yockey, Leading Edge Manufacturing, LLC dba Joined Alloys